completed 12/1996
Prevention of work-induced damage of spine
Analysis of muscle activities of the spine during lifting and carrying loads
Lifting exerts strain mainly on the small erector spinea muscle; no differences with regard to spinal strain between lifting and lowering weights; spinal strain is determined by the weight of the load; the influence of the horizontal movement distance is minimal, the influence of the vertical starting point of the load is greater; the handiness of the load (handling situation) has a significant influence on the load situation on L5-S1 and the demands on the muscle system.
Referat auf "Prävention von berufs-/arbeitsbedingten Gesundheitsstörungen und Erkrankungen - 2. Erfurter Tage" 12/95
food industry
Type of hazard:handling of loads
Catchwords:Heben und Tragen von Lasten, Belastung, physische Beanspruchung/Belastung
Description, key words:Influential factors in occupational spinal strain