completed 12/1996
In 1992 sixteen in every 1000 hairdressers suffered from a skin disease. The resulting costs meant a drastic increase in contributions. Goal: curing skin diseases to enable hairdressers to return to practising their profession
Retrospective cross-sectional study; investigation of 476 hairdressers with eczema of the hands who took part in a 6-week rehabilitation seminar between 1987 and 1993; assessment of medical documents and questionnaires concerning the progress of the illness and social data; investigating medical and social parameters which influence the progress of the disease (in particular continuing to practise the occupation)
45.7 % remained in the profession after the seminar, 4 to 7 years later this figure was still 33 % (2/3 of all healthy hairdressers leave the profession within 7 years!). Least success was noted with atopic allergic eczema of the hands (28 %). The cost of the rehabilitation measures was justified by the results.
Stresemann, E. u.a.: Die Wiederherstellung berufskranker Friseure. Die BG (1990) Nr. 7, S. 415-417
Brauel, R.: Katamnestische 6-Jahres-Studie über die Rehabilitation handekzemerkrankter Friseure. Dissertation 1996
health service
Type of hazard:Gefahrstoffe, arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen
Catchwords:Berufskrankheit, Rehabilitation, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Arbeitsschutz
Description, key words:Retrospective cross-sectional study, successful rehabilitation of hairdressers with skin diseases