Evaluation of an advertising campaign for insured businesses

Project No. BGAG 7600100736


completed 04/2005


The BGs and their federation are currently developing an advertising campaign targeting businesses. The aim of the campaign is to present a positive image and to address reservations and specific points of criticism. The advertisements are to be made available to all BGs, who can then print them, for example in their information sheets. Before the advertisements go to press, they are to be evaluated by the BG Institute Work and Health (BGAG).


Four advertisement themes were examined. For this purpose, participants were consulted in seminars for employers held by several BGs. The staff at the BGAG also took part in the study. The objective was to compare the evaluation of employers with that of employees.


Altogether, the idea of an advertising campaign and the selected themes were received positively among those consulted. Suggestions for improvements were derived from the results. The impact of the advertisements can thus be increased even further.

Last Update:

2 May 2016


Research institution(s):
  • BGAG - Institut Arbeit und Gesundheit der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung

-cross sectoral-

Type of hazard:




Description, key words:

evaluation, series of advertisements, business