Risk group older employees in the construction industry - level II - inability to work and incapacity in selected construction industry jobs

Project No. BGBA #016


completed 09/1996


Suspicion of work-related strain as the cause of frequent early retirement. Goal: information concerning occupational activity-related illnesses.


Cross sectional investigation of retrospective data (analysis of files); secondary analysis of specifically diagnosed early retirements.


Workers in the construction industry enter early retirement significantly more frequently as a result of support and locomotor system conditions and as results of injuries in comparison with all other employees in industry. Skin diseases, psychiatric illnesses and digestive disorders came to the fore in individual trades in the construction industry.


Zschenderlein et al.: Risikogruppen älterer Arbeitnehmer in der Bauwirtschaft - Stufe II: Erwerbs- und Berufsunfähigkeit in ausgewählten Berufen der Bauwirtschaft und Stufe III: Retrospektive Kohortenstudie. Schriftenreihe der Berufsgenossenschaften der Bauwirtschaft, Böblingen/Ulm 1995

Last Update:

19 Jul 2000


Financed by:
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bau-Berufsgenossenschaften
Research institution(s):
  • Arbeitsmedizinischer Dienst der Bau-Berufsgenossenschaften
  • beteiligt: Institut für Arbeits- und Sozialmedizin
  • Ulm
  • Institut für Medizinische Statistik und Epidemiologie
  • München
  • Berufsförderungswerk Nordrhein Westfalen

construction industry

Type of hazard:

work-related health hazards


Belastung, Gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen und Störungen, Besondere Personengruppen

Description, key words:

Retrospective cross section study, secondary analysis of the reasons for leaving a profession