Occupational diseases at the Mansfeld copper mining industry

Project No. BGFA EPID/MED010


completed 12/2007


Case cohort study of the Mansfeld copper mining industry deals with the putative carcinogenicity of dinitrotoluene to humans and the association of heavy loaded physical work and musculoskeletal disorders.


Enumeration of an historical cohort study with formerly miners of the mansfield copper mining industry based on the pensions archive database of the Gesellschaft für Verwahrung und Verwertung (GVV) Sondershausen. Case-cohort-study to evaluate the human carcinogenicity of DNT based upon the cancer register of the formerly GDR, and constitution of an subcohort of miners with exposition to DNT. Formation of further subcohorts to evaluate the association of heavy physical load and musculo-skeletal disorders.


Results are presented in different boards.

Last Update:

31 Dec 2007


Financed by:
  • Berufsgenossenschaft der chemischen Industrie
  • Bergbau-Berufsgenossenschaft
Research institution(s):
  • Berufsgenossenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut für Arbeitsmedizin (BGFA)


Type of hazard:

Arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen, Arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren, Mechanische Gefährdungen


Beanspruchung, Toxikologie, Krebserregende Stoffe

Description, key words:

historical cohort study, evaluation of putative carcinogenicity of dinotrotoluene (DNT), evaluation of the dose-effect relationship between physical loading and specific musculo-skeletal disorders
