completed 12/2005
The OMEGA noise immissions database maintained by the BG Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BGIA) contains a compilation of noise immissions values from various institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention (BGs) and the BGIA itself. Documentation is assured by a series of encoded compulsory fields (e.g. work area, occupation). BG-specific data are also recorded, thus enabling the BGs involved to conduct their evaluations against their own standards. Since legacy data which were recorded prior to introduction of the OMEGA noise standard are also entered into the database, and the measurement strategies applied vary from one BG to another, analysis of the body of data may present particular problems with regard to the recorded measurement parameters and other variables. This study was to provide an overview of the available data and the opportunities for evaluation. First the evaluation software developed in-house was to be used for this purpose. The analysis methods employed by the software were validated.
Noise data recorded by the BGs and the BGIA are compiled in a noise database at the BGIA. This body of data permits searches across multiple BGs for particularly high-noise working areas or activities, in order for preventive measures to be taken selectively. It also enables the success of prevention measures and the results of technical progress to be monitored over the years. A further application of the noise database is for exposure of workplace conditions for cases of occupational disease BK-2301 (hearing impairment). The existing body of data was to be documented, and various possible search functions demonstrated by means of examples. Access to data originating from several BGs was of particular interest. The accuracy of the body of data was assessed statistically by means of the evaluation software (DIN 45645-2, "Determination of rating levels from measurements - Part 2: Noise immissions at the workplace"). The assessment was to be validated. Comparative analyses were performed with the aid of the SPSS statistics software package for this purpose.
The principal purpose of the study was to provide an overview of the data currently stored in the OMEGA noise immissions database, and to test the associated analysis software for its practicability. A range of useful analysis functions were identified. The software was compared with a statistical software application also used, leading to the formulation and implementation of proposals for improved output of the analyses. In the course of analysis, problems of a systematic nature were identified for a part of the existing body of data. These problems have since been resolved. The work with the evaluation software and the available data led to recommendations being formulated for the recording of data in the future.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:noise/vibrations
Catchwords:risk assessment, noise
Description, key words:typical occupational noise exposure, assessment level, statistically validated data, noise immissions, database, OMEGA noise database