completed 12/1999
Reduction of tripping, slipping and falling accidents in small businesses in the meat-processing industry by cause analysis and the development of preventive measures and concepts
Review of accident reports; recording and assessment of falling accidents; measurement of the coefficients of friction of floor surfaces at the site of the accident; examination of footwear worn at the time of the accident; measurement of the duration of time spent in one place and frequency of change of place; estimation of the relative risk for different areas of activity.
The "GMG 100" slip meter (tribometer) was made available to the BG Measurement Service for the duration of the project. The slip meter enables both worn and newly laid floors to be tested, and suitable measures to be taken to improve the nonslip characteristics. Analysis of the recorded falling accidents revealed deficiencies in the footwear, the floor surfaces, and the lighting. A list of footwear suitable for use in the meat-processing industry was drawn up. The risk indices produced for the sales and production areas suggest that organizational measures should be taken to restrict the time spent by sales personnel in production areas and vice-versa.
Further informations:
food industry
Type of hazard:Arbeitsorganisation/-schutzmanagement, arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren
Catchwords:Arbeitsunfall, Gefährdungsbeurteilung, Sturz- und Absturzgefährdung
Description, key words:risk analysis, frequent change of place, duration of stay, small and medium-sized enterprises, butcher's trade, accident analysis, falling accidents, slipping accidents, tripping accidents