completed 10/2001
In contrast to the environmental area, there are in Germany no common rules for the testing and use of direct reading monitors in the field of occupational safety. The new prEN 45544 "Workplace atmospheres - Electrical apparatus used for the direct detection and direct concentration measurement of toxic gases and vapours - Part 1-4" fills this gap partly. The project was aimed to test the applicability of the standard and to define requirements for direct-reading monitors used by the German Berufsgenossenschaften in workplace measurements.
Two transportable direct reading monitors for carbon monoxide (format 19") were tested according to prEN 45544. The tests cover the technical performance data of the measuring instruments under standard conditions and under more difficult conditions, e.g. in a climatic chamber or on a vibrating table.
Both meters complied in full with the requirements set forth in EN 45544. During mechanical testing of the meters on a vibratory table in accordance with Section 6.3 of the standard, both meters developed faults within a short period of time and had to be returned to the manufacturer for repair. The meters are deemed to perform satisfactorily for use within the BGMG hazardous substances measurement system with the status "equivalent to standard methods". Further direct-reading meters are to be tested with reference to EN 45544.
Further informations:
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:dangerous substances
Catchwords:Chemische Arbeitsstoffe, Messverfahren, Prüfverfahren
Description, key words:direct-reading monitors, testing, requirements, hazardous substances, exposure to hazardous substances, EN 45544