Inclusion companies provide a bridge between workplaces for people with disabilities and the general labor market by reducing existing barriers at various levels of human interaction. The premise of occupational health and safety to guarantee the health and well-being of all employees also applies in inclusive enterprises. The overriding goal is to generate information for the development and implementation of health-preserving measures within the framework of occupational health and safety for employees with and without impairments in inclusive companies. From this, concrete guidelines for work design are to be derived for inclusive companies as well as for regular companies willing to increase their share of employees with impairments.
A clustered cohort study with an exploratory character is planned to determine physical and psychological stress factors and health impairments of people with and without disabilities in inclusive companies. The study design includes the analysis of the current situation, the identification of the need for intervention and the development of specific prevention measures. This is followed by a prospective cohort study with intervention. After the implementation and evaluation of the implemented measures, recommendations for action are to be derived. The sample size comprises a total of approx. 500 employees with and without disabilities or health impairments from three inclusive companies of the Behindertenwerk Main-Kinzig.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:unfavorable, adverse work environment
Catchwords:prevention, less performing workers, integration of disabled (or handicapped) persons/allergic persons at the workplace
Description, key words:inclusion