completed 03/2002
Usual electrosensitive protective devices are not able to distinguish whether there is an object or (part of) a human being within the region to control. Automatic picture analysis on the basis of comparing surface structures might be a solution if modified for work safety.
Creating a data collection of surface structures; evaluation of the system under normal and worst conditions; determination of possible malfunctions.
The system is generally suitable for specific tasks in controlling dangerous regions; malfunctions caused by shadows remain a problem to be solved.
Präsentation des Systems (Prototyp) durch das BIA auf der Hannover-Messe 15.-20.04.2002
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:mechanical hazards
Catchwords:Arbeitsschutzsystem, Mechanische Gefährdung, Schutzmaßnahme
Description, key words:human-machine, machine-safety