completed 06/2014
Evaluation of a project for the prevention of sexual abuse among schoolchildren
The evaluative measure determines whether the project conducted by the German Child Protection League leads to changes in knowledge and behaviour among schoolchildren. The measure also examines whether the childrens' parents and class teachers possess more information on the subject of sexual abuse following the project. A test/waiting control group design involving surveys before and after the measure was selected.
The effectiveness of the project was confirmed with respect to many but not all of the target criteria. An IAG report is being produced presenting general criteria for the evaluation of prevention projects and the results of the evaluation. The scope for extending the project beyond Münster is also under review.
education, science
Type of hazard:work-related health hazards, mental stress factors, qualification/basic and further training
Catchwords:evaluation, prevention, psycho-social risk factors
Description, key words:sexual abuse, school, prevention