completed 09/1999
Because of lacking limit values there is at the moment no basis for an assessment of soldering workplaces and other workplaces with potential exposure to rosin. It had to be investigated which substances or groups of substances could be used to describe exposure to rosin and how these substances/groups of substances can be measured.
A measurement procedure for resin acid in soldering smoke, published by Health and Safety Executive (HSE), UK, was tested in modified form. It is founded on a derivatisation of resin acids after sampling and a following analysis by gaschromatography.
During suitability testing of the procedure it turned out that the determined detection limit could not be reached and that the reproducibility was subject to large variations with altogether bad recoveries. Therefore there is a need for an international exchange of experiences relating to the above mentioned measuring procedure, respectively about other suitable methods for the measurement of rosin vapour concentrations and their assessment.
Further informations:
electrical engineering
Type of hazard:Arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren, Gefahrstoffe
Catchwords:Gefährdungsbeurteilung, Exposition
Description, key words:soldering workplace, rosin exposure, resin acids, measurement procedure