Operating forces of power operated doors

Project No. BIA 6048


completed 09/1995


Points of crushing are a frequent source of accidents occurring in connection with (hall) doors and gates. Limiting the operating forces may be a suitable measure to avoid points of crushing. A European standardisation project, launched by the BG expert committee for structural engineering, was conducted to develop a measuring method for operating forces and to suggest admissible operating force limits.


A method was developed to measure operating forces on doors and gates. Sensory tests were conducted to determine admissible operating forces. Test persons made subjective evaluations of static and dynamic forces in view of their bearableness. Different types of doors and gates were used in the tests.


The investigations showed that it is indispensable to take account of the short-term dynamic forces caused by moving door leaves, as these forces may be significantly higher than the static forces. The results were used by the competent standardisation body CEN/TC 33/WG 5/TG 4 to define a measuring method and determine the relevant limit values.

Further informations:

Last Update:

17 Jun 2003


Financed by:
  • Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften (HVBG)
Research institution(s):
  • Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitsschutz - BIA

construction industry

Type of hazard:

mechanical hazards


Messverfahren, Unfallverhütung, Sicherheitstechnik

Description, key words:

points of crushing, risk assessment, force measurement, measuring device
