Projects at the Center of Toxicology / Molecular Medicine

Project-No. Project Title
IPA-207-SHOW Climate Quantification of work-related heat stress, UV exposure, and dermal absorption of UV filters in outdoor workers
IPA-183-Diisocyanates Employees´ health and safety when working with diisocyanates
IPA-182-EVA-Mesothel Extended surveillance for early detection of mesothelioma
IPA-179-FireExpo Fire-fighting service – Exposure screening
IPA-144-MoMarFollow Molecular markers for early detection of cancer follow-up
IPA-136-GerES5 (PDF, 61 kB, non-accessible) German environmental survey
IPA-134-Substitution (PDF, 40 kB, non-accessible) Emerging chemicals at the workplace and in the environment
IPA-132-Particle Assay Toxicological and functional characterisation of particles including fibres and nanomaterials
IPA-99-Toxanalysis (PDF, 47 kB, non-accessible) Biomonitoring of Exposure – Contract Exposure Assessment
IPA-74-CellTox (PDF, 38 kB, non-accessible) Cell Biology and combination effects of chemical compounds
IPA-63-DermaTox (PDF, 39 kB, non-accessible) Percutaneous absorption of chemicals
IPA-25-MolMed-Advice Development and establishment of new molecular and biochemical methods for diagnostics and prevention
IPA-23-GenTox (PDF, 39 kB, non-accessible) Genotoxicity of chemicals
IPA-22-Biological Biomonitoring Establishing analytical methods for biomonitoring of exposure
IPA-12-Biobanking Development of a database for tissue banking at the IPA
IPA-10 Toxicological Advice Answering toxicological questions submitted by the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions

For additional information on research please refer to publications and web pages of individual members of the Center of Toxicology (Staff).



Dr. Heiko U. Käfferlein
Phone +49 30 13001-4401



Georg Johnen, Dr. rer. nat.
Phone +49 30 13001-4350