Section Toxicological Advice

Main focus is on providing toxicological advice and expert opinion in all aspects of chemically-induced diseases at the workplace and via the environment. Please note that the Center of Toxicology does not fulfil tasks within the regular medical care system. Requests for toxicological analyses or data interpretation by individuals should be addressed to the relevant public authorities (e.g., German Environment Agency, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment).

Hazard and risk assessment, contract work and research co-operations are granted to the following parties only:

  • Members and member institutions of the statutory health insurances
  • Member companies of the statutory health insurances and company physicians
  • Non-for profit institutes, academic institutions, federal institutes or institutions of other social insurance agencies as part of research co-operations, teaching or continuing education

Please submit all questions in writing to:

Center of Toxicology
c/o Dr. Heiko Käfferlein
Bürkle-de-la-Camp Platz 1
44789 Bochum
