SOFTEMA software assistant

Engineering and documentation of safety-related application software on machines (SRASW).

a screenshot of a table in the SOFTEMA software

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Tables in SOFTEMA
Source: IFA

Manufacturers of machinery are increasingly using application programming of safety controls in order to implement safety functions. As a result, the functional safety of the control systems also depends on the application programs, which have undergone extensive development and testing. A key requirement set out in the relevant standards (e.g. DIN EN ISO 13849-1) is that these programs must be developed according to a structured work process and measures aimed at avoiding faults must be taken. As part of a project funded by the German Social Accident Insurance (FF-FP 0319 "Standard-compliant development and documentation of safety-related application software in machine and plant construction"), which ran from 2011 to 2013, the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences established a practically applicable development method. The IFA matrix method has already been presented at events for German social accident insurance institutions and industrial companies, where it was discussed and found to be useful. As part of project IFA5133, an IFA Report on this topic was created.

The IFA matrix method is used for the specification, validation and testing of safety-related application programs. This method requires multiple tables to be completed for different development phases. The SOFTEMA software tool was developed on the basis of project IFA5137 "SOFTEMA - A tool for safety-related programming on machines" for automated application of the tables used in the IFA matrix method. The purpose of SOFTEMA is to assist both machine manufacturers during the development of these programs and external bodies during the inspection and testing of such programs. The functions of SOFTEMA are intended to assist in reducing and detecting input errors and to generate documentation for programming and tests. The efficient and error-free modification of specifications and application software is a key aspect of SOFTEMA. It is intended to raise awareness of the IFA matrix method, and in doing so, to assist the standard-compliant development of safety-related application software in the machine and plant construction sector.

Download Version 1.3 (ZIP, 16.6 MB)
- Updated January 2025 -

Exclusion of liability

Care has been taken in production of the software, which corresponds to the state of the art. It is made available to users free of charge. The liability of the IFA/DGUV is limited to intent and gross negligence (Section 521 German Civil Code) or with regard to material defects and legal defects (Sections 523 and 524 German Civil Code) to fraudulent concealment of such defects.

The IFA undertakes to keep its homepage free from viruses. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given that the software and information provided are virus-free. Users are therefore advised to take appropriate security precautions and to use a virus scanner prior to downloading software, documentation or information.

Licence information

The SOFTEMA program can be downloaded free of charge from this homepage. As part of this process, the IFA sends an email to the user containing the download link.

It is recommended that SOFTEMA users should sign up for the SOFTEMA newsletter. Each time they receive a newsletter, users have the opportunity to delete their email address from the registration database. The user must make sure that the IFA email address "" is not blocked by a spam filter or similar.

SOFTEMA is classified as freeware and is approved for commercial use, for teaching purposes and for private use. Passing on SOFTEMA to third parties is permitted. In this case, it is recommended that these users retroactively sign up for the SOFTEMA newsletter via the SOFTEMA menu. Modification of SOFTEMA or hosting of SOFTEMA on external servers for download is not permitted.

Software used

Inno Setup Version 6.2.0
Licence: Inno Setup License

System requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or Windows 11
  • MS Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
  • 100 MB of free space on hard drive
  • Recommended screen resolution: 1024 x 768 or higher, 96 dpi


The Declaration on Accessibility describes any barriers to the use of the software.