Selected activities of the prevention service in 2023

Inspected companies1/ educational institutions2 Inspections in companies1/ educational institutions2 Complaints Investigated accidents
Accident insurance in industrial sector 217,230 442,851 1,163,514 22,736
of which in BG group
BG for the raw materials and chemical industry 7,243 12,609 20,120 593
BG for the woodworking and metalworking industries 51,194 61,524 65,839 4,920
BG for the energy, textile, electrical and media products sectors 32,175 39,119 20,861 3,625
BG for the building trade 56,140 224,253 695,662 2,565
BG for the foodstuffs and catering industry 23,955 28,111 163,310 5,391
BG for the trade and logistics industry 25,205 50,578 148,353 3,826
BG for the Transport industry, postal logistics and telecommunications 9,444 9,635 12,188 593
BG for the administrative sector 7,198 9,491 18,833 719
BG for the health and welfare services 4,676 7,531 18,348 504
Accident insurance in public sector 5,290 11,005 39,437 2,768
Total 222,520 453,856 1,202,951 25,504

1 Including assistance companies
2 The inspected companies and inspections in the public sector include the educational institutions of the pupil accident insurance


